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Assistant Professor
Keith Newvine (he/him/his)
Literacy Department
Email addresses:
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- 607-753-2705 (department)
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Associate Professor
Dr. Charlotte L. Pass (she/her/hers)
- 607-753-4283 (office)
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Assistant Professor
Casey M Pennington
Literacy Department
Cornish Hall, Room 1303
Email addresses:No email address information has been added for this person.
- 607-753-2705 (department)
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Adjunct Lecturer
Elisa R Rodriguez
Literacy Department
Cornish Hall, Room 1303
Email addresses:No email address information has been added for this person.
- 607-753-2705 (department)
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Associate Professor
Dr. Katie Silvestri (she, her, hers)
- 607-753-2445 (office)
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Associate Professor
Tadayuki Suzuki
- 607-753-2460 (office)
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Administrative Assistant 1
Leah M VanDonsel (she/her/hers)
- 607-753-2705 (office)
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Assistant Professor
Diversity Faculty Fellow
Dr. Dianne Wellington (she, her, hers)
Literacy Department
Email addresses:
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- 607-753-2705 (department)
No additional information has been added for this person.

Nance S. Wilson
- 607-753-4375 (office)
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