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Gregory D. Phelan
- 607-753-2905 (office)
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Coordinator of Transition Programs
Gregory Diller (he/him)
- 607-753-4726 (office)
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Transfer Credit Evaluator
Gregory L. Ketcham
- 607-753-4726 (office)
- 607-753-5593 (fax)
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Adjunct Lecturer
Gregory Brown
Recreation, Parks and Leisure Studies Department
Email addresses:
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- 607-753-4941 (department)
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Laboratory Animal Caretaker
Gregory D. Strauff
Biological Sciences Department
Email addresses:
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- 607-753-2715 (department)
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Vice President, Student Affairs
C. Gregory Sharer
- 607-753-4721 (office)
- 607-753-2808 (fax)
- Doctor of Jurisprudence: McKinney School of Law - Indiana University
- Master of Science: University at Albany
- Bachelor of Arts: University at Albany