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To do an advanced search use the dropdown arrow to the right of the search box.Associate Professor
Kenneth A. Cohen
- 607-753-2574 (office)
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Visiting Assistant Professor
Kenneth T Haaland
Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department
Education Building, Room 1241
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- 607-753-2706 (department)
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Ken Eaton
Advancement Information Services
Brockway Hall, Room 212
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- 607-753-2518 (department)
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Associate Professor
Kent M. Johnson
- 607-753-4557 (office)
- Specializations: Biological anthropology, Bioarchaeology, Kinship, Dental Anthropology, Andean Archaeology
- Education: Ph.D., Arizona State University
- ORCid: 0000-0002-3933-6439
- Courses: Intro to Biological Anthropology, Intro to Forensic Anthropology, Archaeology of Death, Advanced Forensic Anthropology, Human Osteology
- More info:
Associate Professor Emeritus of Physics
Kent A. Klanderman
Email addresses:
- Email Me (personal)
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