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Lynn D Schmitt (they / them / theirs)
- 607-753-4386 (office)
- B.A. Chemistry: Drew University
- Ph.D. Chemistry: SUNY Binghamton
Lecturer I
Lynn R Terry
Chemistry Department
Bowers Hall, Room 342
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- 607-753-4323 (department)
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Lynne R Cohen
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Lecturer II
Lynn E. Craver
- 607-753-5771 (office)
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Interim Dean, School of Professional Studies
Lynn E. MacDonald
Physical Education Department
Professional Studies Building, Room 1175
Email addresses:- Email Me (work)
- 607-753-5577 (department)
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Associate Professor
Director, Honors Program
Co-coordinator for Latino Latin-American Studies (LLAS)
L. Sebastian Purcell
- 607-753-2192 (office)
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