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Raymond D. Collings
- 607-753-2046 (office)
- Brief Biography: After receiving a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from the University of California in Riverside, completing a post-doctoral fellowship through the M.I.N.D. Institute at the University of California in Davis, and teaching at the California State University in Fullerton, I arrived here at SUNY Cortland in the fall of 2002. I primarily teach courses related to Cognitive and Developmental Psychology. The primary focus of my early research was related to attention, attention problems, and how we might improve our attention and cognition in daily life. For the last nine years, I have studied how all this relates to college students' academic success and psychological well-being. I have authored scholarly papers related to these areas, as well as quantitative methodology, I have also conducted multiple studies and authored several internal reports for on-campus stakeholders related to the adjustment of our students.
Vice President of Student Affairs Emeritus; Vice President for Institutional Advancement Emeritus
Raymond D. Franco
Email addresses:
- Email Me (personal)
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Professional Tutor
Raymond C. Savoie
The Learning Center
Van Hoesen Hall, Room B205
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- 607-753-4309 (office)
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Professor Emeritus of Health
Raymond Goldberg
Email addresses:
- Email Me (personal)
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Assistant Director of Administrative Computing
Ray Ruppert
- 607-753-5515 (office)
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