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To do an advanced search use the dropdown arrow to the right of the search box.Assistant Professor
Xiaoye Xu
Phone numbers:
- 607-753-4215 (office)
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Assistant Professor
Xiaoping Fan (she, her, hers)
Physical Education Department
Park Center, Room 1112
Email addresses:No email address information has been added for this person.
Phone numbers:
- 607-753-5577 (department)
- Teaching: EDU 355, PED 257, PED 382, PED 434, PED 636, PED 660
- Research: Teacher Professional Development, Teacher Socialization, Quality Physical Education, School-based Physical Activity Promotion
- Education: Ph.D. in Sport Pedagogy, University of Northern Colorado; M.A. in Physical Education Pedagogy, California State University, Chico; B. Ed. in Physical Education, Central China Normal University
- Email:
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