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Filtered by department: History Department

Karl Alexander

Adjunct Lecturer

Karl Alexander

History Department

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Patricia A Augostini

Adjunct Lecturer

Patricia A Augostini

History Department

Old Main, Room 212-B

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Girish Bhat


Girish Bhat

History Department

Old Main, Room 211E

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Arleen De Vera


Arleen De Vera

History Department

Old Main, Room 211-A

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Laura Gathagan

Associate Professor

Laura Gathagan

History Department

Old Main, Room 210C

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Corrina Harvey

Administrative Assistant 1

Corrina Harvey

History Department

Room 212

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Peter A Hyland

Adjunct Lecturer

Peter A Hyland

History Department

Old Main, Room 212-B

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Kevin Kreiner


Kevin Kreiner

History Department

Old Main, Room 211-F

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Tyson A Luneau

Assistant Professor

Tyson A Luneau

History Department

Old Main, 212-B

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  • Bio: I am a historian of modern North Africa and Europe, focusing on the intersections among environment, colonialism, urbanism, and technology. My work examines environmental knowledge and spatial perceptions, analyzing how these abstract notions translate into attempts to remake built and natural environments. In addition to my work in French colonial history, I also have backgrounds in Russian and Central Asian history, as well as an interest in the environmental history of the American West. My current book project, expanding on my doctoral dissertation, examines French efforts to remake the urban and rural landscapes of its North African colonies through the implementation of large-scale development projects. For this project, have conducted archival and field work across France and the Maghreb. As a historian with many years of secondary teaching experience in both public and private school settings, I teach courses and oversee candidates in the department's social studies teacher preparation program. I'm also happy to work with students on projects related to environmental history, colonialism, or the Mediterranean World.
  • Email:
  • Areas of interest: environmental history, colonialism, urban history, North Africa, Europe, social studies teacher education, secondary curriculum
  • Education: PhD, University at Albany; MA, University at Albany; BA & BS, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
  • CV:
  • Website:
Joseph M McAnanama

Adjunct Lecturer

Joseph M McAnanama

History Department

Old Main, Room 212-B

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