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Filtered by department: Geography Department

Christopher Badurek

Co-Director, SUNY Cortland Regional GIS Laboratory
Chair, Geography Department
Co-Coordinator, Computer Applications Program
Director of Research, Institute for Geospatial and Drone Technology

Christopher Badurek

Geography Department

Old Main, Room 221D

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Ibipo Johnston-Anumonwo

Distinguished Professor

Ibipo Johnston-Anumonwo

Geography Department

Old Main, Room 221B

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Wendy Miller

Associate Professor
Executive Director Institute for Geospatial and Drone Technology
Co-Director SUNY Cortland Regional GIS Laboratory

Wendy Miller

Geography Department

Old Main, Room 221F

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Melinda Shimizu

Associate Professor
Program Manager, Institute for Geospatial and Drone Technology
Co-Director, SUNY Cortland Regional GIS Laboratory

Dr. Melinda Shimizu (she, her)

Geography Department

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  • Courses Taught: GRY 324 Intro GIS/Cartography, GRY 370 Will the World Provide?, GRY 110 Physical Geography, GRY 330 Advanced GIS, GRY 329 Environmental Justice
Julie Simser

Administrative Assistant 1

Julie Simser (she/her)

Geography Department
Philosophy Department

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