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To do an advanced search use the dropdown arrow to the right of the search box.Associate Professor
Jacqueline A. Augustine
- 607-753-2729 (office)
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Jeffrey Bauer
- 607-753-5536 (office)
- Sports Science Blog:
Associate Professor
Dr. Bry Bellovary (she, her, hers)
- 607-753-4300 (department)
- Research Interests: Exercise Physiology, Altitude Physiology, Resistance Training Physiology
Philip Buckenmeyer
- 607-753-5558 (office)
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Adjunct Lecturer
Zoe E Climenhaga
Kinesiology Department
Professional Studies Building, Room 1164
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- 607-753-4300 (department)
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Associate Professor
Dr. Ashley Crossway (she/her/hers)
- 607-753-4300 (department)
- Professional Portfolio:
Associate Professor
Kevin Dames
- 607-753-4356 (office)
- More Info URL:
Assistant Professor
Dr. Ryan Davis
- 607-753-4864 (office)
- Currently Teaches:: Summer: ATR 510. Fall: ATR 517, ATR 514, EXS 100. Spring: ATR 518, EXS 315, EXS 421
Associate Professor
Alyson Dearie
- 607-753-4944 (office)
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Dr. Patrick Donnelly (he, him, his)
- 607-753-5708 (office)
- Currently teaches:: ATR 511, ATR 512, ATR 516, EXS 315