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Filtered by department: Philosophy Department

Andrew Fitz-Gibbon

Distinguished Service Professor

Dr. Andrew Fitz-Gibbon

Philosophy Department

Old Main, Room 140A

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Nikolay Karkov

Associate Professor

Nikolay Karkov

Philosophy Department

Old Main, Room 138

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David LaRocca

Visiting Assistant Professor

David LaRocca

Philosophy Department

Old Main, Room 138

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Kaeti Herlihy  Manning

Lecturer (10 Month)

Kaeti Herlihy Manning

Philosophy Department

Old Main

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  • Bio: Kaeti Herlihy Manning has been a member of our department both as a student and faculty member. She graduated from our program with honors & an Excellence in Philosophy award in 2005. Kaeti was accepted at the University of Albany’s Hindelang School of Criminal Justice as a graduate student in 2005. Kaeti was an early contributor to UAlbany’s Death Penalty Archive. She graduated with an MA in Criminal Justice in 2008. After beginning her teaching career at Tompkins-Cortland Community College in 2010, Kaeti longed to return to Social Philosophy and pursue her interests in justice reform and diversity, equity, & inclusion in education. She joined our faculty as a lecturer in 2016. Teaching Prejudice, Discrimination, & Morality inspired Kaeti to continue her studies at Binghamton University, where she researched the predictors of success for students of color at PWIs vs. HBCUs. Finding that positive faculty-student relationships were imperative at both institutions for ensuring student success, Kaeti continues to develop her talents in the classroom.
Daniel Murphy

Lecturer (10 Month)

Daniel Murphy

Philosophy Department

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Mechthild Nagel


Mechthild Nagel

Philosophy Department
Center for Ethics, Peace and Social Justice
Africana Studies Department

Old Main, Room 138A

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Dr. Noelle Chaddock Paley

Adjunct Lecturer

Dr. Noelle Chaddock Paley

Philosophy Department

Old Main, 140-C

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  • Author: Antagonizing White Feminism
L. Sebastian Purcell

Associate Professor
Director, Honors Program
Co-coordinator for Latino Latin-American Studies (LLAS)

L. Sebastian Purcell

Philosophy Department

Old Main, Room 138B

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Julie Simser

Administrative Assistant 1

Julie Simser (she/her)

Geography Department
Philosophy Department

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