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Filtered by department: Africana Studies Department

Michael Tillotson


Michael Tillotson

Africana Studies Department

Moffett Center, Room 207B

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Bekeh Ukelina

Director, Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies

Prof. Bekeh Ukelina (He, him)

History Department
Africana Studies Department
Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies (CGIS)

Old Main, Room 210E

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Paul Van der Veur

Department Chair

Paul Van der Veur

Communication and Media Studies Department
Africana Studies Department

Van Hoesen Hall, Room B114

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  • Education: PhD: Ohio University, International Media Studies MFA: Ohio University, 3D Design
  • Research Interests: Communication and Social Change; Representations of Africa
  • Background: Dr. van der Veur has more than 25 years of teaching experience and currently serves as chair of the communication and media studies department. He also coordinates the interdisciplinary program in cinema studies and is an active member of the Africana studies department. As a former Peace Corp Volunteer, Dr. van der Veur has been involved in many facets of international programming. His work lends itself to the creation of pro-social media, focusing on such issues as inclusive education, living with HIV, and environmental reclamation and sustainability.
  • Teaching Area: Media Production