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To do an advanced search use the dropdown arrow to the right of the search box.Lecturer IV Emeritus of Spanish and Italian
Mark E. Carpenter
Performing Arts Department
Dowd Fine Arts Center, Room 216
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- 607-753-2811 (department)
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Facility Operations Assistant 1
Mark Stephen Fire
Email addresses:
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- 607-753-2100 (department)
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Mark Vinciquerra
Migrant Education Tutorial and Support Svc Prog.
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Chief of University Police
Mark T. Depaull
- 607-753-4127 (office)
- 607-753-5752 (fax)
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Professional Tutor
Mark Bischoff
The Learning Center
Mathematics Department
Van Hoesen Hall, Room B205
Email addresses:- Email Me (work)
- 607-753-4309 (office)
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Costume Designer
Mark S. Reynolds
Performing Arts Department
Email addresses:
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- 607-753-2811 (department)
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Lecturer I
Mark Roark (he, him, his)
- 607-753-4957 (office)
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Mark Prus
- 607-753-2440 (office)
Vice President for Finance and Management
Mark Yacavone
- 607-753-2211 (office)
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