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To do an advanced search use the dropdown arrow to the right of the search box.Development Officer
Stephan Sabol
- 607-753-2572 (office)
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Library Assistant 1
Stephen Taranto (He, him, his)
The Help Center
Memorial Library, Room B103
Email addresses:No email address information has been added for this person.
- 607-753-2221 (department)
- Musical instrument proficiency: Guitar, violin
Associate Facilities Program Coordinator
Steven Mize
Facilities Planning, Design and Construction Office
Whitaker Hall, 607-753-6516
Email addresses:- Email Me (work)
- 607-753-5616 (office)
- Graduated SUNY Morrisville: Class of "99"
Adjunct Lecturer
Stephanie E. Albano
Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department
Email addresses:
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- 607-753-2706 (department)
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Assistant Budget Officer
Stephanie Harvey
- 607-753-2304 (office)
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Food Preparation Worker / Cashier
Steven West
SUNY Cortland Auxiliary Services
Student Life Center, Fuel
Email addresses:No email address information has been added for this person.
- 607-753-2301 (office)
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Office Assistant 1 (Keyboarding)
Stephanie Ballard
- 607-753-4308 (office)
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Associate Professor
Stephanie Decker
- 607-753-2482 (office)
- Specializations: Criminology, Social Control, Historical Sociology, Social Movements, Discourse and Narratives, Torture, Public Confessions
- Courses: Deviant Behavior, Social Control, Criminological Theory, Sociological Theory, Drugs and Society, and Organized Crime
Adjunct Lecturer
Steven Meyer
Recreation, Parks and Leisure Studies Department
Off Campus Location
Email addresses:- Email Me (work)
- 607-753-4941 (department)
- Please use email to contact me: Please use email to contact me
Adjunct Lecturer
Steven D Muntz (he, him, his)
- 607-753-4201 (department)
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