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Lecturer (10 Month)
James D. Walter
Economics Department
Old Main, Room 127
Email addresses:No email address information has been added for this person.
- 607-753-4109 (department)
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Professor Emeritus of Psychology
James J. Starzec
Email addresses:
- Email Me (personal)
No phone number information has been added for this person.
Additional info:No additional information has been added for this person.

Technology Support Specialist Emeritus
James B. Chapman
Email addresses:
- Email Me (home)
No phone number information has been added for this person.
Additional info:No additional information has been added for this person.

Lecturer (10 Month)
James K. Lake
Chemistry Department
Bowers Hall, Room 342
Email addresses:No email address information has been added for this person.
- 607-753-4323 (department)
No additional information has been added for this person.

James Sharpsteen
Service Group, Physical Plant
Email addresses:No email address information has been added for this person.
- 607-753-2100 (department)
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Director of Physical Plant Emeritus
James McChesney
Email addresses:
No email address information has been added for this person.
No phone number information has been added for this person.
Additional info:No additional information has been added for this person.

Corporate Executive Chef
James Webb
SUNY Cortland Auxiliary Services
Email addresses:
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No phone number information has been added for this person.
Additional info:No additional information has been added for this person.

Jim Hokanson
- 607-753-4964 (office)
No additional information has been added for this person.

Learning Management Portal Administrator
Jim Durr (he, him, his)
- 607-753-2354 (office)
No additional information has been added for this person.