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Christopher Chapman

Christopher Chapman

Child Care Center

Education Building, Room 1000

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Christopher Kuretich

Associate Vice President for Student Affairs

Christopher Kuretich

Division of Student Affairs

Corey Union, Room 407A

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Christa Chatfield


Dr. Christa Chatfield (She, her, hers)

Biological Sciences Department

Bowers Hall, Room 1204

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Chris L. Widdall

Watermark Coordinator
Associate Professor, Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department

Dr. Chris L. Widdall (she, her, hers)

School of Education
Health Department
Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department

Education Building, Room 1106

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  • Ph.D. Capella University 2012 with Distinction: Instructional Design for Online Learning
  • SUNY Cortland Alumni '00 & '03: BS Health Education with Biology Minor, Summa Cum Laude, M.S.Ed. Health
Tina Thomas

Library Assistant 2

Tina Thomas

The Help Center

Memorial Library, The Help Center

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