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Trades Specialist (Plumber Steamfitter)
John Blanchard
Email addresses:
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- 607-753-2100 (department)
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Assistant Professor
John-Michael McKee
- 607-753-4762 (office)
- Specializations: Race and Crime; Self-Defense; Gender and Crime; Threat Theory
- Courses: Methods of Social Research I & II; Juvenile Delinquency; Deviant Behavior; Crime and Inequality; Political Sociology; Criminology; Organizations and Bureaucracy; Sociology of Law

Professor Emeritus of Education
John D. Marciano
Email addresses:
- Email Me (personal)
- 310-393-4815 (home)
- Home Address: 1315 Idaho Ave Apt 4, Santa Monica, CA 90403

Jo L. Boring
Liberty Partnerships Program
Cornish Hall, Room 1312
Email addresses:No email address information has been added for this person.
- 607-753-5663 (department)
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Media Services Specialist
Jon Stamp (He Him His)
- 607-753-2755 (office)
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