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Katherine Bonafide

Associate Professor

Katherine Bonafide

Psychology Department

Old Main, Room 134D

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  • Education: Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Syracuse University (2015); APPIC Pre-doctoral Clinical Internship, SUNY Upstate Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences (2015); M.S., Clinical Psychology, Syracuse University (2012); M.A., Counseling Psychology, Boston College (2008); B.S., Psychology, Lehigh University (2006)
  • Publications:
  • Teaching Interests: I primarily teach elective courses in the area of clinical and counseling psychology. I also enjoy teaching and developing courses in clinical health psychology that provide experiential learning opportunities for students. Courses regularly taught: Abnormal Psychology, Clinical Health Psychology, Orientation to Clinical Professions in Psychology, Applying Research Methods in Psychology
  • Research Interests: My research broadly focuses on health promotion and disease prevention. I have primarily focused on sexual risk reduction among adolescents and young adults. My work in that area has spanned HPV vaccine acceptance and uptake, parent-child sex communication, and most recently, a mixed methods investigation of emerging adult communication about sex-related topics as associated with sexual health outcomes. My current area of investigation explores socio-emotional correlates of COVID-19 exposure.
Katherine Ahern

Associate Professor

Katherine Ahern

English Department

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Katherine (Kate) Hovey

Assistant Professor

Katherine (Kate) Hovey

Physical Education Department

Park Center, Room 2106

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Katherine M. Polasek

Department Chair

Dr. Katherine M. Polasek (she, her, hers)

Kinesiology Department

Professional Studies Building, Room 1164

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Katherine V Cook

Payroll Assistant

Katherine V Cook (she, her, hers)

Payroll Office

Miller Building, 301

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Katherine Gustafson

Office Assistant 2 (Keyboarding)

Katherine Gustafson

Institutional Research and Analysis Office

Miller Building, Room 402

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Katherine H. Trotter

Adjunct Lecturer

Katherine H. Trotter

Psychology Department

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Katherine Hicks


Katherine Hicks

Chemistry Department

Bowers Hall, Room 1308

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Katherine Graham


Katherine Graham

Economics Department

Moffett Center, Room 217C

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Kathleen Burke

Distinguished Teaching Professor

Dr. Kathleen Burke (she, her, hers)

Economics Department

Moffett Center, Room 217E

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