When uploading a photo, I am receiving a message saying that the file size is too large. Why? The max size for photos in the Directory is 300k. If you need assistance shrinking the file size of your photo, please see the instructions here: www2.cortland.edu/offices/publications/big/photography

I am a secretary and would like to edit directory information for my department or office. How can I do so?
You may already have access to edit your department or office. You can check by logging in to https://directory.cortland.edu/Admin. If you do not have access, please send an email request to manage.directory@cortland.edu.

I am a faculty member and would like to include my publications, personal website, degrees, awards, etc. How can I include these on my profile?
You can always include these in the additional information section.

I do not want a certain field to be visible to students, but I don't have an option to change this. Why?
There are some fields such as name, primary department and primary title that are required by the university to be visible to everyone.

How can emeriti or retirees edit their directory information?
Emeriti and employees who retired in 2010 or later may log into myRedDragon and navigate to the Faculty/Staff tab. Once there, select the "Edit/Update Your Directory Information" link located under the “About Me” section. Individuals who retired before 2010 will not have access to myRedDragon, since it was introduced after their retirement date. Those individuals should contact Human Resources at 607-753-2302 or hr@cortland.edu so their directory entry may be updated manually.

I have a suggestion for improvements to the online directory. Who do I talk to about it?
You can submit any suggestions or feedback on our feedback form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.